Extra Blogs

Why Choose Ellie Rose?

Posted by Barbara Furgeson on

Welcome To Ellie Rose Naturals.    We Use The Newest Technology to Create Our Cutting Edge Products That Create Real Results. We Strictly Adhere to All Quality Assurance Guidelines and Good Manufacturing Procedures. We Follow the Recommendations of FDA as Well as Health Canada. Our Formulation Approach Focuses on Stimulating, Accelerating, and Influencing the Natural Rejuvenation Processes Skin Would Normally Undergo.  All Products of Ellie Rose Naturals are Paraben-Free!!Never Tested on Animals!!

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About Ellie Rose Naturals

Posted by Barbara Furgeson on

Thank you for visiting our About Us page!     We are so excited to share our Skin Care Spa Line with you!  Our names are Barbara and Meghan and we are a Mother and Daughter Dynamic Duo who have a passion for Natural and  Healthy skin. I (Barbara) have three beautiful daughters and have been involved in the Health Industry for the last thirty years.  I started formulating for skin care twenty years ago because I wanted a healthy alternative for my girls to use.  Human skin is the largest organ on our body and I wanted to create...

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